Entre o sublime nome de mãe e o monstruoso crime: Inventariando práticas de abortos e infanticídios na Paraíba (1960/1970) / Among the "innocent mother s name" and "crime monstrous": Inventorying practice of abortion and infanticide in Paraíba (1960/1970)




Between 1960 and 1970, the State of Paraíba seemed to enter significantly in the process of political, social, cultural, economic, would change its historical configuration appreciably, as the country itself. Transformations that bore the marks of the Civil-Military Stroke of 1964 in Brazil s history, still appear in a flagship development of pharmaceutical technologies in population growth that exceeded expectations, the feminist movement, among other indications. Linked to these changes arose from other stamp token, guided by the ways of seeing and telling the world and people and especially women. The main objective of this thesis is to problematize how and why to produce a discursive construction that crystallized around women who practiced abortion and infanticide in the state of Paraiba in the 60 and 70 decades. Taking as a guiding principle that objective, this study aims to describe and analyze the historical conditions of the possibilities that built these two objects - abortion and infanticide - as crimes, each with their specific, triggering the production of various concepts within the medical and legal fields. We used three main sources as local newspapers, The journal Diário da Borborema, of the Campina Grande city, O Norte and A União, of the João Pessoa capital. We still, criss-cross the cited journals with petitions of habeas corpus, the writs of release. Based on these sources, it is possible to analyze the discursive practices that constitute the act of infanticide as a "crime" of person, that is only practiced by mothers affected by the so-puerperal state. It is still possible to analyze, such as induced abortion was constituted a "medical-social serious problem", taken as a matter of public health under scrutiny of civil government and military, especially since appeared closely linked to practice so-called "angels makin", midwives disqualified activity in parturients, would have resulted in high rates of maternal and infant mortality. The debate / battle were accompanied by other controversies articulated to family planning and contraceptive pills directly related to the "clandestines abortions". Therefore, it is possible to extract a discourse of great effectiveness, namely, unsafe abortion and infanticide would be compromising the birth of future children of the nation. What threw into question both the management of state forces in the treatment of individual bodies and collective (family), and prevented the economic development of the "Paraiba" society, in particular, and Brazil, by extension, to follow its natural course, within a political perspective that Brazil would be the country s future.


paraíba paraíba abortion aborto imprensa discursos infanticide discourse historia press infanticídio

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