Entre o rígido e o flexível : D. Antônio Ferreira Viçoso e a reforma do clero mineiro (1844-1875) / Between the strict and the flexible : D. Antônio Ferreira Viçoso and the clergy reform in Minas Gerais (1844-1875)




The objective of this dissertation is to analyze ultramontanism from religious practices from the referred bishop, understanding ecclesiastic reform as the creator of a specific routine and not only as a movement transplanted from Europe to Brazil. Thus, we studied some actions by D. Antônio Ferreira Viçoso (1787-1875) during his bishopric in dioceses in Mariana, Minas Gerais, from 1844 to 1875. The measures adopted by him as restructuration of the seminar, perpetual missions and pastorals visits, added to actions by priests and nuns, and were very important for the understanding of ultramontanism as religious culture. Opposite to the clergy, who despite controlling attempts, continued to live as they wished, Church had to change some of its rules and to make itself more flexible. Therefore, the relationship among imposed rules and creative actions favored a less strict ecclesiastic reform. The ultramontane movement, started by D. Viçoso, in Minas Gerais, through reformatory actions, had to face the great dimension of the dioceses, together with a numerical insufficiency of priests. The result was a religious reform that tolerated a faster education of the clergy and the continuation in priesthood of those with a record of scandals


antônio ferreira viçoso catholic church ultramontanism liberalism ultramontanismo culture and religion igreja católica - clero - brasil liberalismo religião e cultura

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