Entre o desejo e a necessidade de aprender linguas : a construção das representações de lingua e de aprendizagem do aluno-professor de lingua inglesa / Between the desire and the need for learning languages : the construction of English teacher representations about language and learning




This work intends to identify and discuss the representations of foreign languages (mainly English) and of their teaching-learning processes, which emerge from the utterance of future language teachers. Based mainly on some psychoanalytical and discoursive concepts as well as Foucault´s studies concerning governmentality and the production of subjectivity by different discourses, we propose to analyse oral interviews carried out with some future language teachers (English/Portuguese), from a private college course, trying to identify, through linguistic materiality, elements involved in the constitution of their imaginary about language and about teaching-learning practice, as well as fragments of their unconscious formations, which can reveal some aspects of their subjectivity. We suppose that, in spite of the fact that those student teachers tend to consider foreign language from an instrumental, formalistic and mercantilistic point of view, the involvement with the foreign language can cause effects on their identity which could change the way they face language itself and the teaching-learning process. Considering that the production of the subjectivity is conditioned by History and by power relations produced by people, objects and techniques, and that identity is an ongoing process, the representations studied show some aspects of these student teachers subjectivity produced by the context of (pos-) modernity, emphasizing the consumerism, technological resources and hegemonist methodological discourses of language teaching-learning process. These aspects mark the primacy of the imaginary order and the decadence of the symbolic one on the actual psychical constitution. Nevertheless, the speech of student teachers also reveals moments of confusion between mother tongue and foreign languages, suggesting a different involvement with languages as well as different places that these languages can occupy in their identity, related not only to needs but also to desire. These changes produce a peculiar way of facing languages, which can contribute to study them in a different way and surpass the repetition in teaching-learning models at school


desire subjetividade língua inglesa - estudo e ensino formação de professores english language representações representations subjectivity desejo student teachers

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