Entre miasmas e micrÃbios : a instalaÃÃo de redes de Ãgua e esgoto na cidade da Parahyba do Norte(PB) e outras medidas de salubridade â 1910/1926




At the end of the first decade of the twentieth century, the city of North Parahyba started its modernization program. The population experienced the use of the tram pulled the donkey, then the electric streetcar. Experienced the nightlife of electricity on the lights and started to watch films in cinema. Therefore, new habits and customs have been incorporated into his daily life. New rules of conduct were necessary to indicate that the civilization and progress is what guiava the new sensibilities. In the same time, it appears that the levels of unhealthiness of the city was not as hygienists speeches, much less that of sanitary engineering. Thus, other equipment have been included in urban in order to make the asepsis of the spaces. Accordingly, the first was implanted water system in a network to facilitate the life of everyone, but mainly clear bodies, spaces and objects as a measure eliminating the causative agents of disease. But the intent would not be complete if the water does not have a certain destination. Thus, doctors and engineers began to rumor the need to make sanitation, which was only achieved in the 1920s. Under the technical guidance of the engineer Saturnino de Brito, the city of North Parahyba experienced the benefits of a network of drainage. Ready! I realized the desire of Governor John Machado: water and sewage, the car chief of the sanitation of the capital. Thus, we can not forget that other measures helped in the search for health administrators. Hence the creation of the League of the Protection Tree "for the planting of seedlings that would clear the air. It was the rules for collecting and packaging the waste. Campaign was made in favor of the smallpox vaccine and is visited homes, markets, bakeries, hotels, schools, etc. All in favor of the modernization of health and new sensibilities.


sensibilities Ãgua sewage teoria miasmÃtica water esgotos historia teoria dos fluidos histÃria sensibilidades

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