Entre comedias e contos : a formação do ficcionista Machado de Assis (1856-1866) / Between comedies and short stories : the formation of the writer Machado de Assis (1856-1866)




This study investigates, through a historical perspective, the Machado de Assis years of formation. Surely impelled for the great success of the realistic theater between the young intellectuality of Rio de Janeiro, by that time congregated around the Teatro Ginásio Dramático, he also tried to express itself by the stage. Thus, the objects of this work, beyond Machado s comedies, will be his critical writings, his translations and imitations of French comedies, as well as his performance as censor of the Conservatório Dramático Brasileiro. However, from the signals of weakness of the "realistic school" in front of the great success of popular sorts of theater and the disappointing reception of his staged comedies, we could observe how Machado de Assis will be impelled to trace new routes for his literary project, intensifying the writing of short-stories. But, comedy or short-story, the Machado s fiction of that period was deeply marked by politics principles, those evident mainly on his journalistic writings


theatrical criticism politics short story theater critica teatral contos teatro politica

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