Entre amor e ódio: os dilemas da Educação especial, no limiar do século XXI




The object of this dissertation is to analyze the imaginary perpassing special education, having for its research sources public policies for the deficient as well as the defense mechanisms in the constant refusal of common class teachers to accept deficient pupils in regular schools. An effort was made, using psychoanalysis as a theoretical reference, to focus on the unconscious and the images historically crystallized by prejudice, that inevitably clarify these motives of refusal also, initially by the parents, then school and society. Difficulties derived from the deficients own limitations were specified. Existing segregationist positions were presented and also analyzed and some considerations on the inclusive movement were also made. The methodology used was descriptive analysis of data collected from bibliographical and documental sources on the theme and object. Data showed that the difficulties encountered by all children are not technical or technological problems. Teachers and children, the educational bureaucracy and families, public policy institutions as well as those of the market are all responsible for the current situation and its eventual transformation. For the moment it is evident that the rights delegated by public policies to special necessity persons are not truly effectuated, neither is their social participation realized creating even more difficulties for the constitution of their psyche.


castoriadis educacao especial special education social imaginary castoriadis imaginario social educacao especial

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