Entre a razão e o êxtase Experiência religiosa e estados alterados de consciência




This thesis is the result of research regarding reason and ecstasy in the field of religion. The title contains the concepts that will be examined in the course of five chapters. The first chapter offers a conceptual introduction. This chapter examines the continuum between rationality and ecstasy, and presents the differentiation between the concepts of ecstasy, trance and possession. Various concepts of human ecstasy and their characterizations in the field of religion are introduced. It is judged that an imaged space between reason and ecstasy exists. It is in this space that our perceptive system, consciousness, circulates. Reason, as the articulator of ideas, judges. It establishes our capacity to reason and helps us make choices and decisions, while always valuing consciousness. In the second chapter - Ecstasy in selected Biblical texts - after conceptualizing consciousness, we examine religious ecstasy in relation to reason based on selected stories from the Old and New Testaments. We present various biblical examples that demonstrate that ecstasy and rationality confront and complete one another, and enter into alliance. In the third chapter, Two approaches in correlation, our task is to try to understand reason and ecstasy in the Christian world from the perspective of Paul Tillich in comparison with the presuppositions of the analytical psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. In this chapter we ask: Is human consciousness altered by means of an experience that occurs in religious practice? If our consciousness is altered, we proceed by investigating: Is their imaged space that precedes the culminating ecstasy where reason is still in full action? We judge this to be the case, and call this space an altered state of consciousness. The fourth chapter is entitled Revelation, altered states of consciousness and the return to reason, in that it deals with the correlation existent between the concept of revelation in Paul Tillich and approximations with the concept of altered consciousness. In the fifth chapter - Recognition of altered states of consciousness the task is to recognize these altered states via the contents of related religious experiences. This chapter complements the arguments presented in the thesis in that it offers the possibility of encountering these concepts in contemporary daily experience.(AU)


subconciente transe possessão espiritual ciencias humanas religião e psicologia extase (espiritualidade)

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