Ensino Fundamental de nove anos no município de Uberlândia: implicações no processo de alfabetização e letramento




This research aims to investigate the conceptual and methodological transformations of the processes of literacy in early grades in school from the implementation of Elementary school of nine years in the municipal system of education of Uberlândia - MG. This is a qualitative research, which the used methodological path was based on the Case Study method, by which it was aimed to identify the childrens concepts and relationships with the writing, the teaching concepts and practices on the processes of literacy in the initial levels and the procedures of the municipal system for the implementation of the Elementary school for nine years. The investigation has, as subjects-collaborators, the employees, students and teachers that are regents of the first three years of elementary school of nine years and a professional of CEMEPE which knew very much of the processes of continuing education, offered to teachers in the context of the implementation of the proposal in the city. The resources used were participant observation, application of questionnaires to teachers and staff of CEMEPE and interviews with students. In relation to the general theoretical apparatus used about Literacy, they stand out the authors: Blacksmith (1993), Garcia (1993), Terzi (1995), Goulart (2006), Miranda (2008), among others; and specifically on Letramento, prominence for Kleiman (1995), Signorini (1995), Soares (2001), Scholze and Rosing (2007). The analysis and discussion of evidence were based on the following areas of analysis: The Meaning of Literacy, The Development of Literacy: The Teacher Concepts and Practices, The Implementation of Basic Education of nine years in the Municipal Network of Uberlândia and The Relationship of Students in the Initial Levels with Reading and Writing, in which the subjects revealed their practices, their ideas, their views and their relationships with the processes of literacy, reflected in speeches and in daily actions. In search of understanding of the present processes of literacy in contemporaneity, the changes, historically, in concepts, are elucidated, as their current meaning in the presented testimonials and investigated practices. The cooperating teachers revealed through their statements and practices that literacy is not understood as procedural, but developed in a space-time defined according to the level in which the student attends classes and that from the way that continuing education was offered to implement the proposed School for nine years in the city, various interpretations about the change on the part of those responsible for literacy in the first three series were generated. The study about the relationship of students with the writing showed that the procedural and personal relationship established with the world of writing, especially at the stage of its acquisition, significantly influences the use made of this form of language in daily life, so the processes of literacy and the good use of literacy are intrinsically related. It is evident, from the data, that the school really is designed for the individuals who frequent there as an important mediator between students and the world of writing, and have the task of fulfilling this role especially for those who have less access to cultural goods . The research makes possible to note that the expansion of the elementary school for nine years may be a positive development process of literacy, but it is still necessary to offer a training to help teachers that contribute with greater conceptual and methodological changes on these processes.


letramento educacao literacy good use of literacy alfabetização ensino fundamental de nove anos elementary education of nine years ensino fundamental crianças - escrita

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