Ensino de filosofia e linguagem escrita: contribuições da filosofia na formação do jovem contemporâneo brasileiro / Philosophy teaching and written language: Philosophy contributions in the formation of the contemporary Brazilian youth




What is the place of writing in the teaching of Philosophy in high school? Setting forth from this question, analyzed under the perspective of culture and language, herein is defended the idea that one of the viable ways by which Philosophy can contribute to the formation of the contemporary Brazilian youth is through the accomplishment of this intellectual activity with emphasis on the unfolding of the reading-writing idea, conceiving the last as the producer and organizer of thought. It is a reflection about the philosophical writing, made feasible through the reading by whom the writing is intended and not through the reading to learn, i.e., to accumulate or reproduce knowledge. From its debut, with Plato, the philosophical tradition spares to writing a second plan, usually as a registry or activity to assist the evaluation of the learning through the reading or the dialogue. In the context of crisis, it is viewed with suspicion by some; by others, as a privilege reserved for few. What is seen is that writing is one of the essential activities of philosophizing and it has a moulding character which must be appreciated. Rare are the thinkers who have not written and, besides it, it is set in a context in which the writing, in a general sense, is omnipresent. The philosophical writing, at high school formation level, can be a counterpoint to the various modes of production available, categorized by speed and shallowness. Its consistency, time and mode of elaboration serve as resistance to the disposable. Its aim is to produce meaning, in this language game which is called Philosophy.


language-game reading formation formação jogos de linguagem ensino de filosofia leitura escrita writing philosophy teaching

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