Ensinar música na educação básica : um estudo de caso sobre o processo de escolarização da música na perspectiva de uma professora


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work aimed at investigating the dimensions involved in the process of schooling music from the perspective of a music teacher. More specifically, it aimed at: to identify contents and teaching strategies, objectives and purposes of school music teaching; to identify the basis that sustains the process of selecting and organizing the curriculum contents; and to analyze the strategies used by the teacher to perform her music teaching practices in the school. The theoretical framework was constituted by the concepts of schooling and school culture. A qualitative case study with a school music teacher from the municipal educational system of Porto Alegre, RS, southern Brazil, was carried out. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, semi-structured interviews of stimulation recall, observations and analysis of documents. Data analysis was built from categories that focused on the teacher, the school and the process of teaching music at the school. Each of them reveals dimensions involved in the process of transforming music into something to be taught at the school of basic education. The results show that it is in the interaction of all these dimensions that underlie music education practices that the schooling of music takes place, which suggests multiple ways of teaching music at school.


music teaching at schools of basic education musica : ensino educação básica schooling of music school culture escolarização educação musical cultura : escola

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