Ensaios sobre desenvolvimento econômico: uma abordagem neo-schumpeteriana aplicada à economia brasileira / Essays on economic development: a neo-schumpeterian approach applied to the Brazilian economy




The growth accounting analysis applied to Brazil in the period from 1950 to 2007 indicates that the Brazilian growth is not satisfactorily explained by the theories that deal with technical progress as exogenous. Using the neo-schumpeterian model, it was explored the role of market competition on productivity growth and firms innovative effort using the PAEP/SEADE and PIA/IBGE data bases. The importance of firm size has stimulated analyses on the relationship between the size of the firm and its growth rate, using the RAIS data base prepared by IPEA, and the role of large internationalized enterprises and the foreign direct investment, in its macro and micro perspectives, for the Brazilian economic growth. The main findings are the presence of a correlation between productivity growth and a measure of competition in the form of a concave parable and that the threat of entry is not a significant factor in the second half of the 1990s for productivity growth; despite evidence of positive correlation between the probability of innovation and productivity growth with size, growth of personnel occupied by Brazilian industrial firms tended to be higher in smaller firms in the short term, even though in the long run there is a convergence to the Law of Proportional Growth; we present indications that increased domestic savings and the threat of entry can make foreign direct investment a catalyst for productivity growth and lead Brazil to grow at higher levels and with less risk of external volatility and the transition to a growth process toward innovation can be stimulated by policies that promote competition in sectors closer the technological frontier and the inflow of foreign direct investment in the most distant. The development of proprietary assets by Brazilian firms seems to be critical to ensure a greater potential of economic growth.


desenvolvimento econômico economic development economic theory empreendedorismo entrepreneurship teorias econômicas

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