Enlightened Reformism, Censorship and Reading Practices: The Uses of Books in Portuguese America / Reformismo Ilustrado, censura e práticas de leitura: usos do livro na América Portuguesa




This thesis proposes a research about the uses of books in Portuguese-America with reference to Portugal also. Although it concentrates in the years between 1750 and 1822, it goes back to the sixteenth Century to understand particular characteristics of the later period. Firstly, it presents a series of cultural references and some practices of the Portuguese censorship with readers during the period of the Enlightened Reformism. On one hand, there were the corporate theories of power from the Second Scholastic, the millennium beliefs and the anti-scientificism, and, on the other hand, the Enlightenment and the main characteristics of the Portuguese Enlightened Reformism, since the rule of marquis of Pombal until that of the Regent Prince D. João VI. Secondly, it focuses on the practices censorship and the Crown in relation to books - that is, the prescribed and prohibited use which evaluated the parameters that established censorship and their modifications under the Enlightened Reformism. Also it accompanies the controlling practices and the diffusion practices that affected the circulation and the possession of books and examines the concession of licenses for the reading of prohibited books. Finally, it incorporates the uses of books in the Portuguese-Brazilian world through, the analysis, lastly, of the distribution of the possession of books and the composition of libraries and the conceptions identified and formulated by the readers themselves. Concluding, the practices that accompanied the formulation of heretic proposals and the Inconfidência Mineira are examined and specifically the different influences of the Enlightenment and other cultural influences.


enlightened reformism censura reading practices brazil-portugal - 1750-1808 libraries bibliotecas práticas de leitura brasil-portugal - 1750-1822 reformismo ilustrado censorship

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