Enfrentamento da pobreza e do trabalho infantil : um diálogo necessário entre a educação e as políticas de transferência de renda




Different forms of child labour have already been the object of many researches about the reasons why children and teen-agers start to work. In this study we investigate the way child labour relates to education and to social-assistance programmes. Their central aim is analysed through a case study ; the actual effectiveness of PETI as regards the childrens and teen-agers access to, and permanence in, school. The study considers young people ranging from seven through 15 years of age who came from Paragominas charcoal works in the year when the Programme was implemented (1999). In order to verify whether the financial stimulus granted by the Programme took the children and teen-agers away from the charcoal works and adapted them into school life, we examined their school records as to access and permanence, and the relation among child labour, family income and public policies which aim at social assistance by means of education. These are the central questions discussed in this study on the policies of income transference as a way of fightimg poorness and children labour and its relation with education. The gathering of data for the research was done through documental analysis and semi-structured interviews. As an instrument for analysis, we adopted the dialectical materialism, which gave us a perspective from which to look at, and to clarify, the underlying contradictions present in the object of study. Results revealed that, although the income transference has improved the effectiveness of PETI in what concerns to the access and to permanence at school, the Program did not manage to avoid the drama of school failure of children and teenagers came from the charcoal woks of Paragominas. In other words, results indicate that without a proper dialogue between different social assistance policies there are scarce possibilities to give children and teen-agers a life with school, and without job.


educação education child labour trabalho infantil transferência de renda educacao social-assistance programmes

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