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This study s objective is to analyze how the State of Sao Paulo Secretary of Education public politics faces the education failures, especially the more recent afies - the Project of Accelerated Classes (1996) together with the Program of Ongoing Progress (1997) - and how these educational systems outcome affected the school professionals as weIl as the scholastic achievements of students who attended the Accelerated Classes for one year and afterwards returned to regular classes operating under the Ongoing Progress programo We wiIl try to verify if these projects are a guarantee of quality learning, bringing back into the fold these students previously marked as failures or if they on1yhide the fact that the same are actuaIly kept out, in a system that can be best described as "the confinement of the exc1uded.1ITo understand better the educational context, we wiIl have to revive some of the discussions abOlireducational failures, since they are responsible for exclusion from as weIl as within the school system. We will also include a Iarger analysis of society s role as a result of the govemment s neo-liberal exclusion policy in the area of education


educacao projeto das classes de aceleracao program of ongoing progress regime de progressao continuada project of accelerated classes

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