Enfoque Ontosemiótico de los Conocimientos y Competencias del Profesor de Matemáticas






Abstract Several theoretical frameworks propose different systems of mathematical knowledge for teaching that help describe teaching practices and develop plans for teacher training. This article describes one of these systems, which includes both knowledge and the competencies of a mathematics teacher, and it is based on the onto-semiotic approach of mathematical knowledge and instruction. The notions of this practices' system, onto-semiotic configuration, didactical configuration, normative dimension, and didactical suitability, are introduced in this theoretical system as analytical tools of mathematical and didactical practices. These tools are used as a basis to define five sub-competencies within the mathematics' teacher general competence of didactic analysis and intervention. Investigations are being carried out with this theoretical framework that articulates knowledge and competencies, and support the relevance and possibility that the teacher knows, understands and is able to apply the tools of analysis. Finally, it also includes a concise description on training actions for developing the didactical-mathematical knowledge, and the competence of analysis and didactical intervention for mathematics teachers.

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