Energy consumption optimization in a sugar plant using pinch technology and linear programming / Otimização do consumo de energia em usinas de açucar e alcool atraves dos metodos do "Pinch-Point" e programação linear




Using pinch technology and linear prograrnrning, several simulations of thermal analysis of a typical sugar cane plant and alcohol production were performed. The objective was the maximum heat recovery and the reduction of steam consumption. The simulations were divided into three groups. In the fIrst, pinch technology was applied to analyze only the sugar cane basic plant production and the influence of several alte~natives (elimination of vapor bleed between evaporator effects, number of evaporator effects, mechanical compression of vapor in the last effect of evaporation, area and number of heat exchangers). In the second group, use was made of linear prograrnrningin the same plant to determine the optimized confIguration of vapor bleeds for juice preheating. In the third group, pinch technology was again applied, including the consumption from alcohol production. First of ali, the maximum vapor bleed was assumed at the last effects of evaporation, then adjusted to adapt to the evaporator areas of basic plant. Therefore, a specifIc computer programming was developed to simulate the several variable, including the ratio of production sugar/alcohoL Several alternatives of deep impact in steam consumption were investigated


energy conservation sugar factories energia - conservação açucar - usinas programação linear linear programming pinch technology

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