Encontros terapêuticos com gestantes à luz da preocupação materna primária / Therapeutic encounters with pregnant women under the lights of primary maternal preoccupation




Considering that the construction of knowledge in Clinical Psychology requires from the beginning the integration of an investigative posture with the possibility of being present before the other, I made use of the winnicottian concept of Primary Maternal Preoccupation like a lighthouse that guides the psychologist in her approach to the woman’s emotional experiences during pregnancy and postpartum. During the researcher task I encountered therapeutic alternatives. Hypothesis and working modalities came out from the data: interviews, letters, phone calls and home visits. The field of maternity presented itself extremely fertile, requiring though some basic tools in order to be fecundated, such as: flexibility to meet needs, holding all sorts of agonies, humility before of our own ignorance, true preoccupation with the patient and respect for her being.


relações mãe-criança object relations winnicott donald woods 1896-1971 mother child relations pregnancy motherhood relações de objeto psychoanalysis bebês maternidade psicanálise infants gravidez winnicott donald woods 1896-1971

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