Empreendedorismo nas instituições de ensino superior do Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil




The term entrepreneurship is not current and, lately, its importance has been discussed to the economic development. This work has a general objective to investigate the entrepreneur profile from the managers of Higher Education Institutions from Santa Catarina that make up the ACAFE and Federal University of Santa Catarina. It also tries to recognize the managers understanding of HEI in relation to the entrepreneurship: to analyze the HEI environment for the development of entrepreneur abilities; to relate the entrepreneur characteristics with the understanding of entrepreneurship by the HEI managers. It deals with the entrepreneurship thematic, considering the historic evolution of its concept, the attributes of the entrepreneur personality and the necessary factors to the introduction of an appropriate environment to the entrepreneur. It emphasizes the importance of the introduction of an appropriate environment to the entrepreneur. It emphasizes the importance of the HEI management from their higher managers and the importance to the entrepreneur culture development in the higher education institutions to create a new model of management based on the entrepreneurship principles. The object population from this study involves fifteen institutions that make up the ACAFE system and UFSC (Federal University of Santa Catarina). The characters from the survey are the professionals responsible to the general management from these institutions; they are represented by the chancellor, vice-chancellor, presidents, directors and other denominations, because not all the institutions researched has a chancellor. It uses like an instrument to collect information a questionnaire with opened and closed questions. The general conclusions conduct to the understanding that the managers of the catarinense Higher Education Institutions are following the tendency of innovation and creative management because according the social subjects this is a necessary condition to have a entrepreneur environment in the HEI. It is good to point out that they develop as managers, because everybody states that the entrepreneurship is fundamental like a management way to the HEI. According to the relation among the entrepreneur characteristics with the entrepreneurship (or undertaking) understanding is observed that from the eight detected characteristics as researched strong points, five of them are constant in their speech, to know: it searches for opportunities and initiative, persistence, calculated risks, commitment and planning.


higher education institutions. santa catarina state, brasil empreendedorismo administracao de empresas entrepreneur profile empreendedorismo; universidades e faculdades - santa catarina empreendedor entrepreneurship instituições de ensino superior

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