Empreendedorismo em comunicação: estudo comparativo das agências de relações públicas e comunicação no Brasil, Espanha e Estados Unidos / Empreendedorismo em comunicação: estudo comparativo das agências de relações públicas e comunicação no Brasil, Espanha e Estados Unidos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In the PR and communication context there are a lot of professionals trying to start a new business. Accordingly, I propose to analyze the PR market in an entrepreneurial perspective. Thus, the construction of this study proposes a theoretical and empirical approach about entrepreneurship and communication. The study includes a survey conducted among the PR firms of Brazil, the United States and Spain, with the purpose of reviewing the trends and perspectives of this industry, specially the impact of entrepreneurial activity in the communications field. In order to provide a broader view of this field, facing the complexity of the object, it was decided to merge the quality and quantity dimensions. As a result of this research, we show a comparative view regarding entrepreneurial activity in American, Brazilian and Spanish PR industry.


pr firms and communication agencies usa and spain estudo comparado brasil agências e assessorias de comunicação e relações públicas comparative study among brazil comunicação organizacional comunicador-empreendedor empreendedorismo entrepreneurship espanha e eua

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