Emergy analysis of "Fazenda Ipanema" settlement : land reform and sustainable development. / Analise emergetica do assentamento Fazenda Ipanema : reforma agraria e desenvolvimento sustentavel.




The food availability from the so called "industrial" agriculture depends on a constant flow of materials, specially fossil energy. Experts believe we are in the maximum peak of the oil production which is expected to start decreasing soon. Industrial agriculture becomes more fragile due to increasing of oil crisis, facing the risk of total lack of food supply. One forms of minimizing this situation is to increase nutrient circulation between field and urban areas, therefore diminishing the need of additional fertilizers. Thus, part of the urban population will be forced to move back to country areas in order to decrease energy use. Land reform main objective is to give back dignity to the excluded ones, as well as to share income. However, it can also be used to implement ruralisation. Therefore, to study and understand settlements build under this principles is of a great importance. The present work asses Fazenda Ipanema , a land reform settlement located at Iperó, São Paulo state, Brasil, through the Emergy Analysis. Twelve lots data were used to calculations. The results were compared to literature data, an agrossilvipastoril farm adapting agroecological handling and to a soy farm adopting a regular fertilizer-herbicide model. Land reform, agriculture settlements and ruralisation were also discussed under these results. This work results supplied quantitative information about agricultural settlement allowing, therefore, reflections about land reform ecological sustainability and the way they function as well as on how to improve their performance.


agroecologia agroecology rural settlement emergia assentamentos rurais emergy land reform reforma agraria

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