Em busca do foco : a educação escolar em Arte através de um olhar estético e psicanalítico




The purpose of this essay was to discuss the school education in art through an aesthetic and a psychoanalytical perspective, starting from our experience as a teacher of the disciplines of Practice of Teaching I, II and III, as well as of the Supervised Apprenticeships, of the Course of Visual Arts in the Federal University of South Mato Grosso. The art classes today present a complex reality, which may be subjected to countless questions, because they involve quite conflicting situations from which emanate unknown forces that traumatize, create resistances, anguishes, displeasures, insecurities, acting vigorously on the desire and pleasure of the student / trainee to be a teacher. This dissatisfaction gamut led us to indignations which gave form to this research. Why is there so high degree of dissatisfaction taking place around the art classes, which are considered by most of the schools pupils as a bored one or an useless culture? How come a discipline, that has inherent to itself the aesthetics, dimension of the sensibility, can embrace so much lack of desire in its fulfillment? In this manner, the choice for the theoretical approach was not given by the instruments of the didacticism methods, techniques and pedagogies but by the psychoanalysis, which allows one to follow the path of subjectivity of being, and involves its desires and its unconscious motivations. By thrashing this road we were led directly to look to the essentiality of the concept of to educate, through a contemporary vision of the psychoanalysis in education, pointing out directly the dimensions of the passion of educating and of the education as seduction.


educação em arte psychoanalysis educacao estética psicanálise aesthetic education in art

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