Em busca da especificidade da formação de educadores de jovens e adultos.




The present research is intended to reflect on the Formation of Educators of Young and Adults (FEJA), considering the emergent necessity of studies in this area, in view of searching to understand the praxis of the FEJA and to contribute to the improvement of its quality. In such a way, from the representations of the formers and educators, it made comparative analysis between the theoretical and practical references of EJA and the theoretical, methodological and didactic presuppositions included in the FEJA programs of the public education system of the city of Salvador, from the middle of the decade of 90. This investigation points to the confirmation of the hypothesis of the necessity of searching the specificity in FEJA, indicating in which extent the formation programs have propitiated and stimulated the educator to develop the required abilities to compose the new profile of the education professional. It is also distinguished the trend of formation of the reflective professional guided by a epistemology of practice. The results show the urgency of overcoming the lack of public politics for EJA and the necessity of construction of a new paradigm for formation of teachers as a continued education of adults, whose greatest goal would be to make possible the development of the potential of the EJA educator. Therefore, it retakes the concept of education along of life, which involves a multiplicity of learning processes, so important for the imminent knowledge society.


formação de educadores educação continuada educação permanente educacao educação de jovens e adultos continuing education permanent education formation of educators young and adult education

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