Em busca da cidadania: escolarização e reconhecimento de identidades indígenas em dois países americanos (Brasil e México)




This tesis deals with articulations between the notions of schooling and recognition in two Latin American countries: Brazil and Mexico. With this view, the corresponding national indigenous contexts and the history of interethnic relations were taken into consideration. The author attempted to understand the importance of the schooling process in confronting ethnic identity, especially the struggle for acknowledgement and citizenship building. The central problem, therefore, is to understand how indigenous agents who underwent different schooling processes, produced or supported, most of the time, by official agencies, are currently participating in the formulation and execution of public policies dedicated to the indigenous populations in both countries. The research techniques used involved a review of specialized bibliography, the description of public institutions, conversations and interviews with directors, technicians and different professionals who are active in several public and private institutions in both countries, as well as the analysis of documents, photographic records and informal conversations. Special emphasis is given to the directors and technicians in the public institutions created as part of the decentralization programs included in the pro-indigenous policies in both countries for the subnational levels and the biography of their directors. In the Brazilian case, the following institutions were highlighted: Fundação Estadual dos Povos Indígenas do Amazonas and the Gerência de Educação Escolar Indígena an organ of the Department of Education and Quality in Teaching of the State of Amazonas. In Mexico, the focus was turned towards the Coordinación Interinstitucional para la Atención a Pueblos y Comunidades Indígenas del Estado de Michoacán and the Departamento de Educación Indígena de la Sub-Secretaria de Educación Básica of the la Department of Education of the State of Michoacán. The actions of indigenous agents who were trained to formulate, coordinate and manage public policies favoring their communities and peoples in State institutions, in addition to reflecting certain aspects of the State reform in both countries, as for example, the decentralization, also veer towards the consolidation of a new indigenous citizenship, in which they start to act intensively in the new political life of the subnational spheres of the government. This "new citizenship" produces important impacts in the social and individual life, including their identities.


citizenship education identidade étnica educação ethnicity identidade social recognition cidadania - brasil - méxico ciencias sociais identity

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