Elementos para uma política de avaliação das ações de saúde mental na atenção primária : contribuições de uma pesquisa qualitativa avaliativa / Elements for an evaluation policy on mental health iniciative in primary care : contribution of a qualitative evaluation research


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Inclusion of mental health initiatives in the work of family health teams has an important relevance if we consider epidemiological magnitude of mental health disorders and the need of increasing access for mental health care in the Brazilian Public Health System (SUS). This has been a priority of the Brazilian Mental Health Policy for primary care in the Ministry of Health and many Brazilian cities have reliable and positive experiences in this area. Evaluation of mental health initiatives in primary care in the SUS are still focused in local experiences. There is a gap of a nation-wide evaluation strategy in order to point out principles of mental health policies for primary care and to indicate quantitative and qualitative evidence to support decisions taken by primary health. This study aimed at offering elements for an evaluation and monitoring policy on mental health initiatives in primary care taking into consideration the Health Reform, Psychiatric Reform and Primary Care. Different techniques were used in this qualitative evaluation research to collect data: document analysis, narrative literature review, and an expert panel to reach consensus about mental health indicators and parameters for primary care. The Brazilian Mental Health Policy and the Brazilian Primary Health Care Policy were analyzed together with the literature review, and six analysis categories were identified as relevant to evaluate mental health initiatives in primary care. Categories were grouped as: 1) Estimating the needs for mental health; 2) Mental health care in primary care or primary care mental health; 3) Access to mental healthcare in primary care; 4) Organizational arrangements of mental healthcare; 5) Health and mental health management; 6) Mental health education in primary care. Based on the categories, a matrix was developed containing preliminary indicators related to access and effectiveness of mental health care in primary care. This matrix was discussed in an expert panel in order to produce consensus. Five experts were selected representing mental health and primary care professionals, national policymakers and academic researchers. Panellists agreed in 32 quantitative and qualitative indicators covering all six categories predefined. Results can provide elements to evaluation processes to be carried out by family health teams and also by policymakers in different levels.


saúde mental atenção primária à saúde avaliação em saúde indicadores de saúde mental health primary health care mental health indicators health evaluation

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