Electrocardiographic profile of show jumping horses raised in São Paulo / Perfil eletrocardiográfico de eqüinos de salto criados em São Paulo




This study aimed to evaluate the electrocardiographic profiles of horses practicing show jumping in São Paulo as well as whether these parameters are affected by kind of physical activity performed by the animal (competitions below 1.20m jumps or above 1.20m), the age level or gender. A hundred show jumping horses were used, being 61 males, and 39 females. Their ages ranged from 4 to 19 years. Heart rate ranged from 18.50 beats per minute (bpm) to 89.45bpm, with an average of 40.2077±13.3321, the most frequent rhythm was sinusal with 56%, followed by sinus tachycardia 23%, sinus arrhythmia 20% and sinus bradycardia 1%. The alterations found were: wandering pacemaker 25%, second-degree atrioventricular block (BAV 2°) 9%, first-degree BAV 7%, ventricular premature complexes 2% and sinoatrial block / sinus arrest as well as premature atrial complexes 1%. The electrical axis at the frontal plane in 87% of the cases was between 0 and +90°. The average cardiac score was 94.9±16.1 milliseconds. In relationship to the bipolar lead II, P wave with 0.1100±0.0242 seconds, P-R interval of 0.3140±0.0744 seconds, QRS complex of 0.0908±0.0250 seconds, QT interval of 0.4908±0.0536 seconds and T wave with 0.1130±0.0330 seconds were obtained. In the amplitude, also at the bipolar lead II a single-peaked P wave was obtained in 35% of the cases with an average of 0.2671±0.0747 millivoltz, biphasic P wave in 11% of horses with an average of 0.3136±0.1098 mV and bifid P wave in 54% of the animals, being the latter divided into portions 1 and 2 (P1 and P2). P1 got an average of 0.1352±0.0492mV and P2 got an average of 0.2259±0.0502 mV. R wave and T wave were present in 100% of the horses, getting an average of 1.0220±0.5028mV and 0.4425±0.2042mV respectively. In relationship to the morphology, considering all the analyzed leads, 11 different configurations for P wave, and 5 different configurations for T wave were observed. According to the statistical investigation, there were significant differences in duration, amplitude and morphology of some waves, intervals and complexes in relationship to the physical activity group, sex and age.


eletrocardiografia salto electrocardiography horse eqüinos show jumping

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