Electro-oxidation of glyphosate herbicide and commercial formulations: a comparison between different electrochemical process / Degradação do herbicida glifosato e suas formulações comerciais: uma comparação entre processos eletroquímicos




This paper has investigated the electrochemical oxidation of glyphosate herbicide (GH) and its formulations on RuO2 and IrO2 DSA® electrodes. Electrolysis was achieved under galvanostatic control as a function of pH, supporting electrolyte, and current density. The influence of the oxide composition on GH degradation seems to be significant in the absence of chloride; Ti/Ir0.30Sn0.70O2 is the best electrode material to oxidize GH. GH oxidation is favored at low pH values. The use of chloride medium increases the oxidizing power and the influence of the oxide composition is meaningless. At 30 mA cm-2 and 4 hours of electrolysis, complete GH removal from the electrolyzed solution has been obtained. In chloride medium, application of 50 mA cm-2 leads to virtually total mineralization (release of phosphate ions = 91%) for all the evaluated oxide materials. Parameters that could influence the formation of organochloride compounds during electrolysis are studied. The effects of chloride concentration, electrodic composition, current density, and electrolysis time are reported. The results shows a straight relationship between anode composition and AOX formation. Commercial herbicide formulations have lower degradation rates and lead to the formation of a larger quantities of organochloride compounds. In high chloride concentrations there is a significant increase in organic mineralization, and the relationship between chloride concentration and AOX formation is direct. Only in low chloride concentrations is AOX detected above the limit values allowed in Brazil. AOX formation during electrolysis increases significantly with the applied current. Even during long term electrolysis a large amount of organochloride compounds is formed.


eletro-oxidação ade ade aox aox glifosato eletro-oxidação glifosato

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