Electrical system fault based on the resulting magnetic signature by Wavelet. / Análise da assinatura magnética resultante de faltas em sistemas elétricos via wavelets.




A methodology based on the analysis of magnetic fields for monitoring the quality of energy in electrical systems is presented herein. Aspects referring to fault detection in electrical systems in particular are evaluated. Contrary to the traditional monitoring process, in which sensors must be physically linked to the circuits under analysis, the results are presented from a feasibility study on the use of signals arising from the resulting magnetic signature by means of the electrical systems analysis. Thus the non-invasive characteristic of this process should be pointed out. First, numerical simulations and experimental measures were used to estimate the validity of this method. Based on values of the current of phase-earth fault related to actual features of the distribution systems and derived from numeric simulations found in the literature, the magnetic fields, in pre-established regions, were calculated. Following this, the concepts related to wavelets in the treatment of resulting signals were applied. It is in this phase that, by means of the decomposition of the corresponding magnetic signature, the data necessary to correlate the signal components for the diagnosis of faults in electrical systems were obtained. A Multiresolution Analysis (MRA) was applied. In addition to these theoretical results, the results from a laboratory workbench were also examined. Some canonical features were pre-selected, aiming to study the influence of geometric aspects on the results related to the signal decomposition analyzed. Although analytical methods could be employed to determine the resulting magnetic signature, numerical methods, such as the finite element method, were used to expedite obtaining the theoretical results to be analyzed. Likewise, commercial software was also used for the decomposition of signals. This methodology was validated by comparing the measured and simulated magnetic flux density. This methodology was also applied to identify and classify faults by means of the variance curve towards the wavelet detail.


compatibilidade eletromagnética wavelet transform signal analysis análise de ondaletas-wavelets (análise de séries temporias) métodos numéricos magnetic signature campo eletromagnético (identificação) sistemas elétricos de potência (monitoramento) electromagnetic compatibility energy quality energia elétrica (qualidade) detection and classification of faults in electric systems

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