Elastic nonlinear geometric analysis with positional finite element method / Análise de problemas elásticos não lineares geométricos empregando o método dos elementos finitos posicional




Non linear geometric analysis for 2D frames and 3D solids are analyzed in this work by employing the finite element method with positional description. The present formulation does not use the concept of displacement; it considers positions as the real variables of the problem. In addition, the formulation is developed through total lagrangian description. Besides, the Newton-Raphson method is applied for solving the iterative linear system. For dynamic problems, the mass matrix is consistent and it is applied the Newmark algorithm for time integration. For 2D frame analysis, Reissner kinematics is adopted, that is, initial plane cross-sections remain plane after deformation and angles are independent of the slope of central line. In respect to 3D solids, a cubic approximation for the variables is employed through tetraedric finite elements with 20 nodes. Moreover, impact analysis against rigid wall is performed for 3D solids by applying the modified Newmark procedure in order to guarantee a stabilized response. In order to validate the herein proposed formulation, numerical examples are compared to those in the specialized literature.


sólidos 3d 3d solids finite elements nonlinear geometric elementos finitos 2d frames pórticos planos não linearidade geométrica

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