Elaboration of the educational products for the entrepreneur qualification of basic education students: study of multiple cases / Estruturação de produtos educacionais para a capacitação empreendedora de alunos da educação básica: um estudo de casos múltiplos




The objective of this project is to investigate specific aspects of educational products elaboration for the entrepreneur qualification of students by the verification of how and why the investigated products have been structuralized. The method is the study of multiple cases, of exploratory and qualitative character. The theoretical base presents a survey of the concepts on the entrepreneurship, the entrepreneur and the entrepreneur qualification. The evidences came from three selected cases: Pedagogia Empreendedora; Jovens Empreendedores Primeiros Passos and O Empreendedorismo na Escola. The research resulted in the identification of the elements that compose the structure of the educational products and the comparative analysis between these elements. Finally, the analysis of the educational products elaboration allows to understand the mechanisms used for the entrepreneur qualification.


educational products produtos educacionais empreendedorismo entrepreneurship capacitação empreendedora entrepreneur qualification

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