Elaboração e validação de um instrumento para identificação da prática de enfermeiros relacionada ao manejo e à prevenção das radiodermatites / Elaboration and validation of na instrument for identification of the practice of nurses to handling and prevention of radiodermatitis


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The identification of Professional practice related to prevention and handling of radiodermatitis is fundamental insofar it allows to list difficulties, as the use of institutional protocols and the use of scientific evidences to detriment of care based on myths and common sense, and consequently plan educational actions to solve such issues that are directly associated with quality of the assistance care. The adoption of reliable and valid instruments for quantitative measurement is essential insofar it provided credibility to the information. Before the lack of valid instruments, it was chosen to carry out a research aimed at the elaboration and the validation of an instrument in this context. This is a methodological study with transversal delineation and quantitative analysis. The methodology described by European projects DISABKIDS and KIDSCREEN was used which covered four stages: a literature review to identify the important items and existing instruments, elaboration of the instrument, the evaluation and semantic validation. The first stage consisted of identification of relevant aspects on the prevention and handling of skin toxicity due to radiotherapy, from the analysis of scientific literature and from the elaboration of the first version of the instrument. Then the instrument was subjected to validation by the judges. The results indicate that, in general, the instrument was considered clear, objective and well structured. However, it was noticed that there was a need for some adjustments which have been analyzed by the researchers. Then, the process of semantic validation which was performed in a hospital specialized in oncology happened. The sample consisted of 27 nurses. Before data analysis, it was observed that the majority is female, educated at a private institution and has finished the undergraduate program recently. In respect to the overall impression of the instrument, it is observed that it was well accepted by professionals, who have considered it important to evaluate the care provided to cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. The instrument was evaluated as very good or good. One noted some difficulty of understanding regarding some items, such as those that begin with the word \"no\", the term \"specify\", among others, and also in respect to the use of the response category \"not applicable\". As to specific form of semantic validation, one noticed that some nurses have had some difficulty in understanding words such as \"cold\", \"wash\", \"synthetic fabric\", hence there was the need for alteration. It was noted that minor importance was given to items which indicate directions and to products not recommended by them in practice, such as talcum powder, corn starch and cleaning process using hydrogen peroxide. It can be seen, therefore, that the process of the elaboration of the instruments is complex and demand analysis, discussion and systematization, which turns the semantic validation phase crucial. This research will be lead to the next phase, which is the realization of the pilot. Finally, it is expected that the instrument can be used in practice in different sites, and thus contribute to advances in knowledge concerning how care has been provided.


radiodermatite radiodermatitis radioterapia radiotherapy validation studies estudos de validação prática profissional professional practice

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