El Sistema Nacional Integrado de Salud en Uruguay y los desafíos para la Atención Primaria


Ciência & Saúde Coletiva




The article examines the results of the overview of PHC (Primary Healthcare) in Uruguay in 2009, within the context of the multicentric study of PHC with a view to identifying possibilities of redefining PHC as a strategy to achieve universal healthcare systems, taking into account the healthcare system's segmentation and fragmentation. The methodology included document analysis, key informant interviews and triangulation of information sources. The results presented are based on the analytical model structured in five dimensions: delivery, financing, resources, and integrated and intersectoral PHC. At the macro level, one can observe the recent implementation of a sector reform through the creation of the Integrated National Health System (SNIS) that favors the development of the PHC from an integrative standpoint. Actions have been defined to overcome the segmentation of the system and the fragmentation of care. However, at an operational level, the segmentation that existed before the SNIS as well as the low levels of healthcare coordination have yet to be modified. This is related to management ability and organizational factors. The lack of adequate human resources for the implementation of the PHC strategy is identified as a relevant factor.

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