Efficiency and nutritious value of braquiÃria stocking for use in the semi-arid area of Minas Gerais / Disponibilidade e valor nutritivo de braquiÃria vedada para uso na regiÃo semi-Ãrida de Minas Gerais




The experiment was conduced in farm Analina, in the municipal district of Captain EnÃas - North of Minas Gerais (16o51 00 " of South latitude and 43o43 00 " of longitude West of Greenwich), with the objective of evaluating the efficiency and the nutritious value, of the braquiarÃo (Braquiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) submitted to different stocking times. The forage was evaluated with relationship to the stocking of dry matter (DM), dry matter green (DMG); agronomic characteristics as the percentage of sheets foliate (PSF), of stalk (PS), of green material (GM) and dried (DM), certain the relationship matter green /dried (RGM/DM), relationship sheets/stalk (RSS); and its nutritious value through the texts of DM, DMG, crute protein (CP), fiber in neutral detergent (FND), fiber in acid detergent (FAD) and digestibility "in vitro" of the dry matter (DIVDM). The used treatments were constituted of: four stocking times (January 19, February 16, March 16 and April 13), with intervals of 28 days between each one and four evaluation times (June 01, July 01, August 01 and September 01). The used experimental design was it of complete blocks to the maybe with five repetitions where the treatments were obtained in an outline of subdivided portions, being the times of stocking allocate in the portions and in the subportions the evaluation times. There was significant increase in RDM and RDMG as the pasture was hindered more time, providing a medium readiness of superior forage to 2.500 kg/ha of DMG, with a RGM/DM and RSS always superior for 1 during the whole evaluation period. Even so, decrease was observed in the text of CP, in function of the times of independent stocking of the evaluations, providing forage on the average with low texts of CP 2,9%. decrease was also observed for DIVDM as the evaluation times were made along the dry period, and the evaluation in independent August of the stocking, was shown with the lowest coefficient 37,45%. Seeking to reconcile forage readiness with nutritious value, it is recommended to hinder the pasture of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu in January or February, for uses in June or July and to hinder in March or April when it will use it in September.


forragem forage pastagem brachiÃria zootecnia stocking vedaÃÃo pasture brachiaria

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