Effects of type, size and content of aggregate on concrete strenght and fracture energy / Efeitos do tipo, tamanho e teor de agregado graudo na resistencia e energia de fratura do concreto




This thesis presents the results of the experimental study carried out for considering the effects of the type, size and amount of coarse aggregate on the behavior of nonnal and high strength concretes, and on relationship among the fracture energy and typical mechanical strength of concrete. The experimental concrete mixtures were made with basalt and granite coarse aggregates having maximum size partic1e 9.5 mm e 19 mm and volumetrically fraction in the mixture ranging from 0.65 to 0.75. The water to cementation materiaIs ratio ranged from 0.35 to 0.50. The high strength concrete mixtures contained a tixed amount of 10 percent of si1ica fume in relation to the weight Portland cement used and a proper addition of superplasticizing agent. Sixteen (16) concrete batching, and one hundred and ninety two tests were carried out to measure the mechanical resistance of concrete (compressive strength, flexure strength, spittling tensile strength, modulus of elasticity) and fracture energy. The fracture properties measured in agreement of the RILEM test methods. The concrete compressive strength ranged from 40 to 60 MPa, and from 70 to 110 MPa, for moderate and hi~ strength concretes, respectively, depending on the type of coarse aggregate utilized. The results showed that the concrete resistance (compressive, flexure, spittling tensile) and fracture energy, at given water to binder ratio, depend on type, particle dimension and content of coarse aggregate. The characteristic length of Hillerborg s tictitions cracks model increases with the variation in the partic1e dimension of coarse aggregate


fracture energy mecanica da fratura concrete concreto de alta resistencia concreto mechanical properties agregados (materiais de construção) coarse aggregates toughness

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