Effects of the process of hidraulic disposal on the behavior of a residue of mining of gold / Efeitos do processo de deposição hidráulica no comportamento de um rejeito de mineração de ouro




The disposal of mineral residues by the technique of hydraulic embankment, in general is characterized for presenting a low geotechnical control. Then, because of presenting deficiencies in the specifications techniques during the disposal process, these deposits can present a high risk of rupture. Thus, to get a safe structure and trustworthy it is important to evaluate the behavior of the material deposited in function of variables that give condition to the disposal process and the characteristics of this residues. In such a way, it is possible to establish constructive techniques based on variables that determine the process of hydraulic disposal in the project phase, guaranteeing an adjusted constructive methodology. In this context, this research presents an evaluation of the process of hydraulic disposal of one residue of gold mining from physical simulations with different levels of outflow and concentration, using the Hydraulic Disposal Simulation Equipment (ESDH) developed in the University of Brasilia. Over the simulations performed, dependent of the values of concentration and outflow in the tests, the behavior of the deposit can be evaluated on the basis of the determination of the inclination of the formed embankment, grain sized segregation, permeability and densities, using as a reference the distance of launching point as reference until the ending of the deposit (beach). Finally, as resulted of this work, it was possible to get data about the inclination of the deposit, density, hydraulic segregation and permeability, in function of the outflow and concentration defined for the deposition of the residue of gold studied.


aterro hidráulico beneficiamento de ouro rejeito geotecnica geotecnia em mineração

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