Effects of the association of cadmium chloride and guarana (Paullinia cupana) on the testis of wistar rats : morphometry, structure and ultrastructure / Efeitos da associação de cloreto de cadmio e guarana (Paullinia cupana) no testiculo de ratos Wistar : analise morfometrica, estrutural e ultraestrutural




Guaraná (Paullinia cupana Mart. var. Sorbilis) is a Brazilian plant, found in the Amazon basin. Previous studies have demonstrated the antioxidant properties of guaraná and its potential to neutralize free radicals. This plant is traditionally used for several therapeutic purposes and, recently, has been investigated to ascertain the potential of guaraná to counterbalance cellular oxidative disorders. Cadmium is a toxic heavy metal, and the contamination by this element is more harmful due to its long biological half-life, and therefore its accumulation in the organism. This metal is considered important for environmental pollution, in which exposition occurs through industrial wastes, atmospheric pollution and tobacco smoking. Cadmium is known to be toxic partly due to its oxidative effect in the organism, stimulating the production of free radicals that cause cellular damage. The testicles are particularly vulnerable to the toxic effects of this metal and this organ has higher cumulative properties. Therefore the testicles are an important experimental model for studies of the toxic effects of cadmium and the possible therapeutic alternatives for the adverse effects of this metal. Based on this information, the present study evaluated the potential of guaraná to attenuate the harm caused by cadmium in adult rat testicles. Two experimental models were developed: 1) Preventive administration of guaraná during 56 days before exposition to cadmium; 2) Administration of guaraná during 56 days after exposition to cadmium. For comparative analysis, a group was also treated only with cadmium or only with guaraná. Testicle samples were collected and submitted to histological, morphometrical and ultrastructural analysis and the results are presented in the form of two scientific articles. The results show that guaraná is beneficial in both experimental models, contributing to the maintenance of testicular morphology.


cadmio testiculos guarana morfologia (biologia) paullina cupana cadmium ultrastructure (biology) testis ultraestrutura (biologia) biological form

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