Effects of the accepting water treatment plants (WTP) residuals at wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) using SBR activated-sludge process with extended aeration in the city of Juquitiba, SP. / Efeitos do recebimento do lodo da estação de tratamento de água pelo sistema de tratamento de esgoto por lodo ativado em bateladas e aeração prolongada do município de Juquitiba - SP.




There are different technical engineering solutions for the treatment and final disposal of water treatment plants (WTPs) residuals. Discharge of WTP residual to a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is a technical solution in evidence. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the capacity of the WWTP using sequencing batch reactor (SBR) activated-sludge process (with two reactors named reactor 1 and 2) in the city of Juquitiba, State of São Paulo, to receive the WTP residuals by gravity sanitary sewers. For this purpose the following points were checked: phosphorous and nitrogen transformations in the sewer systems, variations in BOD , COD and suspended solids (SS) concentrations and the possibility of maintaining a consistent balance system controlled by solids retention time. There was an average increase of 74 mg of suspended solids per liter in incoming sewage by the discharge of WTP residuals to sanitary sewers. Suspended solids concentrations in the biological reactors increased 15 percent in average and 73 percent in the final effluent. Production of waste activated-sludge increased by 40 percent. There was a decrease of 29 percent and 51 percent of total phosphorus concentration in the effluent in reactors 1 and 2, respectively, and of 74 percent and 79 percent of soluble phosphorus concentration in reactors 1 and 2, respectively. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen removal efficiency was reduced by 18 percent and ammonia nitrogen removal efficiency by 13 percent. BOD and DQO parameters for efficiency removal showed a decrease of 4 percent after the discharge of WTP residual to sanitary sewers. In view of these results it can be admitted that WWTPs using sequencing batch reactor activated-sludge process are suitable to receive WTP residuals since adequately designed for this complementary function.


lodo ativado lodo de eta estação de tratamento de água activated sludge wtp residuals

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