Effects of recruitment maneuver during expiration and inspiration analyzed by thoracic CT scan in patients with acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome / Efeitos da manobra de recrutamento alveolar nas fases inspiratória e expiratória na tomografia computadorizada de tórax em pacientes com lesão pulmonar aguda ou síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo




The goal of Maximal Recruitment Strategy (MRS) guided by thoracic CT scan is to minimize alveolar collapse and the mechanisms of ventilator induced lung injury (VILI). The objectives of this study were to compare by quantitative analyzes of CT scan image of the lungs obtained during MRS of patients with ARDS, the following parameters: collapse, overdistension, Tidal Recruitment (TR), Tidal Stretch (TS) and the gas distribution throughout the lungs. Methods - Twelve patients were transported to the CT room and sequences of CT scan at expiratory and inspiratory pauses were performed during MRS. MRS consisted of 2 min steps of tidal ventilation with fixed deltaPCV=15 cmH2O and progressive increments in PEEP levels (recruitment 10 - 45 cmH2O) and PEEP titration (25 - 10 cmH2O). RR=10 - 15 bpm, I:E ratio 1:1, and FiO2 1.0. The lungs were divided in 4 regions according to the sternum-vertebral axis (1 anterior and 4 posterior). Results - The mean age of the studied population was 46 ± 20,5 y.o., and 92% of the patients ad primary ARDS. In order to sustain recruitment obtained by MRS, mean PEEP levels of 23,7 ± 2,3 cmH2O were necessary and PaO2/FiO2 ratio increased from 131,6 ± 37,6 to 335,9±58,7 (p<0,01) after MRS and PEEP titration. Global collapse decreased from 54 ± 8% (P10pre) to 4,8 ± 6% (P45) (p<0,01), and was sustained at similar levels at P25post 6,7 ± 6% (p=1,0). Global TR also decreased from P10pre (4 ± 4%) to P45 (1 ± 1%) (p=0,029), and was sustained with the same levels at P25post (p=1,0). Regarding overdistension there was statistically significant increment from P10pre to P45 (p=0,032), although in absolute terms the increment was very low <5%, and P25pre and P25post were identical (p=1,0). There was no increment of Tidal Hyperinflation from P10pre to P45 (p=0,95). TS also decrease during MRS and was maintained at low levels similar to P45 at titrated PEEP (P25post). At P10pre almost 80% of the air at FRC was located at anterior regions. During MRS the distribution of air was directed towards the posterior regions and at P25post was almost 40% (p<0,01). Discussion - The tomographic analysis revealed that during MRS there was a significantly reduction of pulmonary collapse, Tidal Recruitment and Tidal Stretch, without increasing significantly overdistension. High levels of PEEP were necessary to sustain recruitment obtained during MRS and homogeneous gas distribution throughout the lung parenchyma. When PEEP was increased from P10pre to P20pre there was an increment in TR and TS, without a significantly reduction in absolute mass of collapsed lung, suggesting that it may exacerbate the mechanisms of VILI. MRS does not promote relevant overdistention when balanced by its effects on reduction of the mechanisms of VILI. Conclusions - MRS and PEEP titration guided by CT scan decreased significantly lung collapse, Tidal Recruitment and Tidal Stretch, without increasing significantly overdistension. MRS also promoted a homogeneous gas distribution throughout the lung parenchyma.


respiração artificial insuficiência respiratória respiratory insufficiency tomografia computadorizada por raio-x intensive care units síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo respiratory distress syndrome adult respiration artificial/adverse effects unidades de terapia intensiva respiração artificial/efeitos adversos thorax tomography x-ray computed respiration artificial tórax

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