Effects of pregnancy on glucose reabsorption by the proximal convoluted tubule in the rat.


1. Free-flow micropuncture techniques were used to investigate glucose, sodium and water reabsorption along the proximal convoluted tubule in 7-8 day pregnant rats undergoing saline or glucose infusion and in virgin controls. 2. Absolute proximal tubular reabsorption of glucose was greater in pregnant animals than virgins during both saline and glucose infusion; and fractional reabsorption of glucose was higher in pregnant than in virgin animals during glucose infusion. 3. During glucose loading, less glucose escaped reabsorption in the proximal tubule in pregnant than in virgin animals. It is concluded that the increased excretion of glucose observed in pregnant rats cannot be due to failure to proximal tubular mechanisms. 4. During saline infusion pregnant animals had a higher single nephron glomerular filtration rate (S.N.G.F.R.) when compared with virgin animals and a corresponding increase in reabsorption of sodium and water. The small increases in S.N.G.F.R. and sodium reabsorption in pregnant animals (compared with virgin animals) during glucose infusion were not statistically significant. 5. Fractional reabsorption of sodium (and water) along the proximal convoluted tubule was not significantly different in the four series. It is concluded that glomerulo-tubular balance operates during pregnancy.

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