Effects of homeopathic medecine s and biotherapics on Trypanosoma evansi (STEEL, 1885) BALBIANI, 1988 and Trypanosoma cruzi experimentally infected mice CHAGAS, 1909 / Efeitos de Medicamentos Homeopáticos e Bioterápicos em Camundongos Experimentalmente Infectados por Trypanosoma evansi (STEEL, 1885) BALBIANI, 1988 e Trypanosoma cruzi CHAGAS, 1909




With the aim to study the therapeutic and prophylactic effects of homeopathic medicines were employed acute and chronic infection models: experimental infection of mice by Trypanosoma evansi and by Trypanosoma cruzi, respectively, as a mice immunization model with T. evansi extract aiming evaluate the homeopathic biotherapic immunomodulatory effects. It were employed the homeopathic medicines: T. evansi biotherapic on T. evansi infection model and immunization, T. cruzi biotherapic and Phosphorus on T. cruzi infection model. Adult male C57BL/6 inbred mice had been divided in experimental groups: Treated with biotherapic before experimental infection and immunization (Bbi); treated with biotherapic post-infection and immunization (Bpi); treated with Phosphorus post T. cruzi infection (Phosphorus); treated with physiologic serum before and post-infection and immunization (Control) and control group not infected. The biotherapics were made from blood of T. evansi and T. cruzi experimentally infected mice. Phosphorus was proposed by correlation between clinical and repertorial images of T. cruzi infection, considering the diathesis of Chagas Disease. Both were used at 12 DH (Herings decimal) potency. After infection, mice were monitored at two days intervals, to determine the parasitaemia and infectivity and virulence parasites parameters. Hematological evaluations were also realized as a serology to IgM and IgG search. In according with the obtained results, it were not observed therapeutic or prophylactic effects due to biotherapic on T. evansi infected mice, that may be attributed to the high virulence and hyper acute course of infection characteristic of this experimental model. The results obtained when mice were treated with biotherapic before and after immunization with T. evansi extract suggests immunomodulatory effect, since it were observed highest lymphocytic response at Bbi (p<0,05), as highest IgG titers at Bpi (p<0,05), when comparated to the control group. On T. cruzi infected mice a significant lower patence period was observed in Bai group (p<0,05), as well a lower rate of mortality, lowest parasitaemias values at 9, 13, 15 (p<0,05), 17 (p<0,05), 22, 24 and 28 days post infection, and a significant growing of lymphocytes (p<0,05) and neutrophils (p<0,05) along the course of infection, regarding Control group. Phosphorus showed longest patent period, higher maximum of parasitaemia value (p<0,05), in relation to Bai and Control group, nevertheless, with 0% of mortality. The histopathological study showed at Bbi less intense inflammatory lesions, being the more intense lesions observed at Phosphorus and Control group, which showed cronification characteristics of inflammatory process. The results indicate immunomodulatory effects of biotherapics, as an effect of Phosphorus on the patogenicity of infection, and should be better investigated.


biotherapic phosphorus trypanosoma sp bioterápico medicina veterinaria

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