Effects of exercise on the metabolic activity of muscle and adipose tissue of pinealectomized rats treated or not with melatonin. / Efeitos do exercício físico sobre a atividade metabólica do tecido adiposo e muscular de ratos pinealectomizados tratados ou não com melatonina.




The current study investigated the effect of exercise on muscle and adipose tissue metabolism melatonin treated or non treated pinealectomized rats. Blood samples, peri-epididymal adipose tissue and soleus muscle were collected for biological tests. The physical training was efficient in increasing the maximum speed reached at the end of training, and the activity of citrate synthase in muscle. Pinealectomy changed the pattern of mobilization and utilization of substrates adipocytes and muscle cells decreasing the adjustment to the training in these animals, causing a mismatch in several metabolic parameters. When treated with melatonin, the functional adaptation is fully recovered both in adipose tissue and muscle. Demonstrating that the pineal gland has a role in regulating the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates in response to physical training, the removal of the gland caused changes in the adaptive response of adipose tissue and muscle and the treatment with melatonin reversed the metabolic mismatch introduced by pinealectomy.


exercício físico physical activity physiology. muscle tissue tecido adiposo pineal gland adipose tissue fisiologia melatonin melatonina glândula pineal tecido muscular

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