Effects of a program of education with a pediatric hospital: the hospital experience Manoel Novaes - Bahia. / Implantação e avaliação de um conjunto de ações educativas desenvolvidas junto a pacientes pediátricos internados: a experiência do Hospital Manoel Novaes - Bahia.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present research had as objective examining the effect of a pedagogical attendance, developed by a group composed for health professionals and teachers of schools, beside to children and/or adolescents hospitalized in a hospital of the city Itabuna- Bahia. It was sought the empirical reaffirmation of the role of those interventions in attention to the biopsychosocial well-being of child, in promotion of the learning and in reduction of injuries due to prolonged hospitalization. We worked with a group of twenty children and/or adolescents hospitalized and we implanted a program of educational actions (intervention), in order to observing changes in the general conditions. We evaluated the group before and after the intervention in a process that, thus, it was extended from the month of march in 2004 till the month of march in 2006. Some theorists who inspired us in this study were: Wallon (1972);Piaget (1969) ; Lipp (2000); Lucarelli (2000); Haeussler &Milicic (1999); Damásio (2000); Morin (2000); Ortiz (2001); Ceccim (1999); Freitas (2001). We used in methodological trajectory, a qualitative approach.This was a semi-experimental research, with before-after evaluation, with a single group. In the description of collected data in interviews, we used the contents analysis of Bardin (1977). The analysis of data showed us that hospitalized children and/or adolescents changed their behavior, thanks to intervention, confirming the hypothesis that guided the work. First, they demonstrated apathy, sorrow and after the performed practices, the emotion that prevailed was the happiness, the present smile and the acceptance of the treatment. We concluded, in this research, that the existence in the hospital, of a extended pedagogical group, including health and school staff, keeping the environment, as far as possible, according to the need of children and/or adolescents, provide them a better adaptation to the hospital, contributing to the increase of their well-being, and, thus, promoting the regeneration and/or minimization of their health problem. This study is inserted as an effort to assist hospitalized child and/or adolescent, as far as the hospital and school staff that cares them, which can/must utilize the situation of hospitalization as possibility of significant learning, guiding them in school learning and for development of conscience and accountability relative to their life and health processes.


hospitalized child-adolescent humanização da assistência hospitalar classe hospitalar educação em saúde criança-adolescente hospitalizado educacao education in health hospital class humanization of hospital assistance

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