Effect on the 24-hour diurnal curve of intraocular pressure of a fixed ratio combination of timolol 0.5% and pilocarpine 2% in patients with COAG not controlled on timolol 0.5%.


Eight patients with chronic open-angle glaucoma who had an intraocular pressure greater than 24 mm Hg at some time during the day while taking timolol 0.5% twice daily were given the fixed ratio combination of timolol 0.5% with pilocarpine 2% (TP2) twice daily. By comparing full 24-hour diurnal curves on timolol with those on TP2 it was possible to show that all patients except one (at a single timepoint) had an IOP less than 22 mm Hg when changed to TP2. The mean IOPs, the area under the diurnal pressure curve, and the diurnal variation were all significantly lower on TP2 twice daily than on timolol 0.5% twice daily.

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