Effect of homeopathic preparation on yellow nutsege (Cyperus rotundus L.) plants / Avaliação de preparados homeopáticos em tiririca (Cyperus rotundus L.)




The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of homeopathic preparations of yellow nutsege leaves on yellow nutsege plants. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with 5 treatments, consisting of 4 homeopathic preparations of yellow nutsege leaves at dynamizations 3CH, 6CH, 7CH and 11CH, distilled water as control and 4 repetitions. A solution with 6 ml of homeopathic preparation/ L of water was prepared and 20mL/ plant was applied, using the blind double procedure weekly during 1weeks. The mass accumulation characteristics evaluated were fresh aerial part mass (MFA), dry aerial part mass (MSA) fresh root mass (MFS), fresh total mass (MFT), dry root mass (MSS)and dry total mass(MST). The data were submitted to analysis of variance. The homeopathic preparations were compared to the control by the Dunnett test (p<0.05). The variables MFS, MFT, MSS and MST (TROCAR SIGLAS PARA O CORRESPONDENTE EM INGLES) were not altered by the treatments, with the following general means 77.80g, 115.18g, 24.29g and 32.49g, respectively. Plants treated with dynamizations 3CH, 6CH and 7CH presented MFA smaller than the control at 30%, 21% and 22%, respectively; plants treated with dynamizations 3CH and 6CH presented MSA smaller than the control at 26.6% and 27.5%, respectively. The anatomical studies were carried out at the Laboratory of Plant Anatomy, DBV/UFV. Some samples were included in methacrylate (Historesin), transversally cut (5m thickness) and stained with toluidine blue Images of the cuts were obtained via microcomputer (Olympus AX70) coupled to a digital camera and microcomputer. The other samples were diaphanized and stained in crystal violet. A clear chamber was used to count the stomata. The measurements were obtained via the Image pro plus program The anatomic characteristics evaluated were: total leaf area in the interveinal region (ATI) adaxial (AEA), abaxial (EAB) and total (EP) epidermis areas, leaf blade thickness (EL), vascular bundle area with (FB) and without sheath (F), distance between bundles (DF), number of bundles (NF), chlorophyll parenchyma area (PC) and stomata density (SD). The data were submitted to analysis of variance. The homeopathic preparations were compared with the control using the Dunnett test (p<0.05). The homeopathic preparations increased the variables AIT, EAD, EAB, EP, DF and DE. The treatments had no effect on the variables FB, F, FT, PC and EL. The respective general means were: 1327.68 m, 403.64 m, 2947.75 m, 36783.58 m and 128.15 m. The homeopathic preparations caused interference in the growth and anatomical plasticity in the yellow nutsege leaves.


tiririca ultradiluição weeds cyperus rotundus homeopathic preparation yellow nutsege fitotecnia preparados homeopáticos plantas daninhas cyperus rotundus

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