Effect of chicory roots drying to obtain inulin / Efeito da secagem de raizes de chicoria na obtenção de inulina




Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) is a plant whose tuberous roots store inulin, with a high fructose content (about 94%). Chicory root is the most important tuberous root for industrial production of inulin. Inulin is a fructooligosaccharide that is not digestible but is selectively utilized by bifidobacteria in the large intestine, making inulin-type fructans the prototype prebiotic. Recently, inulin was identified as an ingredient that substitutes fat or sugar, but there is still no commercial production of the roots as an inulin source in Brazil, differently of European countries, United States and Canada. Inulin is also identified as a functional ingredient, being applied in the pharmaceutical and food industries in the production of medicines or functional foods. Chicory roots are highly perishable products and, in order to allow a longer period of availability for industrial processing, its water activity must be reduced by drying, for example. In this work, chicory roots had been submitted to a drying process in order to evaluate the effects of this process in inulin extraction. The effects of extraction conditions had been also evaluated in in natura roots. Mathematical models to verify effective diffusivity, rehydration and inulin extraction had been obtained. All treatments presented better results in higher air temperature and velocity, when these parameters were considered statistically significant, based on studied range of conditions. The values of calculated effective diffusivity for drying ranged from 2.75x10-10 to 1.15x10-09 m2/s. The activation energies varied from 11.20 to 21.75 kJ/mol. The model of inulin extraction from in natura roots has not been considered predictive. Drying conditions do not have influence on the inulin extraction from dried roots.


produtos agricolas experimental design planejamento experimental difusão diffusion agricultural products

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