Efeitos sequenciais do treinamento aeróbio sobre o sistema renina-angiotensina em núcleos autonômicos de ratos normotensos e hipertensos. / Sequential effects of aerobic training on the renin-angiotensin system in autonomic nuclei of normotensive and hipertensive rats.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aerobic training (T) for 12 weeks was effective in reducing the mRNA of angiotensinogen(AGT) in NTS of SHR. We evaluate in SHR and WKY time-course changes of T on blood pressure, heart rate, AGT and AT1 mRNA and protein (PVN, NTS and RVL). WKY and SHR were T for 0,1,2,4,8 or 12 weeks, the baseline BP and HR were recorded and mRNA(RT-PCR) and Immunofluorescence for AGT, AT1 and NeuN were made. SHR(vs. WKY) had high BP(174±2 vs 123±2 mmHg), HR and mRNA of AT1 in the NTS(+67%). T reduced the BP only in SHR(-6.5% from T4 to T12) and HR in SHR in T4 and WKY in T8. In the SHR, T reduced the AGT mRNA within the PVN (-34% in T2) and NTS (-30% in T4), and AT1 mRNA only in T12 in PVN(-56%) and NTS(-39%). In WKY, T decreased of both AGT(-49%) and AT1(-58%) mRNA in the RVL at T8. Immunofluorescence localized these proteins, confirming the mRNA content changes induced by T. Our data indicate that the fall of BP and HR are progressive and appear earlier in SHR than in WKY and are accompanied by reduced AGT in the PVN and NTS of the SHR and reduced AGT and AT1 in RVL of WKY.


aerobic training blood pressure frequência cardíaca heart rate hipertensão hypertension pressão sanguínea ratos rats renin-angiotensin system sistema renina-angiotensina treinamento aeróbio

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