"Efeitos do trauma sub-aquático e da estimulação tátil na resposta de exploração do labirinto em cruz elevado em ratos desnutridos". / "Effect of the sub-aquatic trauma and handling in the exploration tasks of the elevated plus maze in malnourished rats".




Early protein malnutrition, besides reducing body and brain weights, causes structural, neurochemical and functional changes in Central Nervous System, leading to behavioral alterations. The principal aim of the present study was to evaluate the interaction of sub-aquatic trauma and chronic tactile stimulation on the exploratory behavior of malnourished rats, in the elevated plus-maze test (EPM). For this purpose, we used male rats fed by lactating female rats, receiving either 6% (malnourished) or 16% (well-nourished) protein diets. After weaning (21 days), the animals continued to receive the same diets as in the lactating period until 49 days of age, when they all started to receive a regular lab chow diet – period of nutritional recovery for the malnourished rats. Control and malnourished animals were divided in two groups: the first one received tactile stimulation from birth to 70 days of age, while the other group was not stimulated. On day 71st, half of the animals of each group was submitted to the sub-aquatic trauma for 60 seconds and tested for 5 minutes in the EPM, while the others were kept in their cages before the test. Protein malnutrition reduced the body weight of the dams as well as of the pups. When tested in EPM, malnourished animals showed less anxiety and/or more impulsiveness. Tactile stimulation recovered part of the weight of the malnourished animals, although it presented an anxiogenic profile. Sub-aquatic trauma decreased the open arms exploration. These data suggest that the effects of the diet are dependent on the interaction between tactile stimulation and sub-aquatic trauma.


elevated plus maze undernutrition ansiedade anxiety labirinto em cruz elevado tactile stimulation/handling trauma sub-aquático desnutrição protéica estimulação tátil sub-aquatic trauma

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