Efeitos do pareamento no perfil de expressão gênica do parasita Schistosoma mansoni / Effects of pairing on the gene expression profiles of the parasite Schistosoma mansoni




Schistosomiasis is a chronic and debilitating disease. Schistosoma represents the only class of trematodes with a dioecious life. A continuous pairing with the male is essential for female sexual maturation. Adult females from uni-sexual infections are underdeveloped, have body atrophy and an immature reproductive system. To study the mechanisms involved in pairing of adult worms two microarray platforms were used: one comprised by 4000 cDNA probes and printed by our research group and another comprised by 44 000 oligonucleotide probes designed by our group and printed by Agilent Technologies Company. With the 4000-probes platform we detected 113 transcripts differentially expressed in adult females kept separated from their mates during 24 hours in vitro when compared with paired adult females; for 10 of these genes we obtained additional confirmation of differential expression by Real Time RT-PCR. We also observed the effects of pairing on the gene expression profile of adult males kept separate from their mates during 24 hours in vitro, where we found 152 differentially expressed transcripts. With the 44 000-probes platform we detected the expression of 5798 genes in adult worms, out of a set of 19 907 unique genes represented on this platform. Analysis of the "no match" genes showed that 156 have transcription from the sense and anti-sense strands; for 6 of them we obtained additional confirmation of expression by strand specific Real Time RT-PCR. Additionally, we identified 2717 differentially expressed transcripts in females separated from their mates during 13 days in vitro when compared to females that remained paired. In the analysis of males separated for 13 days we found 243 differentially expressed transcripts. Finally, we performed a study aimed at observing genes which might be correlated to physical contact pairing (male and female) and compared to genes that might be regulated by the possible diffusion of secreted proteins and hormones in the medium, for which the change of expression level does not depend on physical contact between male and female. It is known that direct female-male contact is needed to keep the female reproductively activity and we observed that repairing can restore the gene expression profile of females or males that were kept separated. Furthermore, we observed that females separated and then maintained in the presence of male, but without re-pairing, have a different gene expression from the separated females kept without males, suggesting that some male secreted factors might be involved in gene regulation. This work represents an important contribution to the understanding of male-female relation at the molecular level


expressão gênica gene expression microarranjos microarrays pairing pareamento schistosoma mansoni schistosoma mansoni

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