Efeitos do estresse fisico no processamento das informações visuais perifericas em motoristas do transporte coletivo urbano




The present study had as its objective to investigate the effects of physical stress in the peripheric visual information processing in drivers from urban collective transportation, which were classified according to their time of experience as professional drivers: -5 years, 5-10 years and +10years experience. Thirty drivers from the cities of Concepción and Talcahuano, Chile, participated of the research, being selected at random. They were divided in three groups of ten individuals each, according to their time of experience. The drivers field of view was measured in a laboratory with a luminosity of 1.500 lux. The experimental situation consisted in the formation of a perimeter of 1900on the horizontal axle. The drivers task was pedaling an ergonometer bicycle where three increasing loads were applied to (Iight, sub-maximum and maximum) of 3 minutes each. The driver ware oriented to detect and recognize the luminous stimulus (color lamps: 12v, 4w) which appeared in the peripheral field of view through his binocular vision, with no movement Itom the eyes and / or the head. To determine the homogencity of the sample, it were applied a general valuation, an ophthalmologic examination and a dinamic campimeter examination, because the individual who participed of the study should have normal vision without corrections. To determine the work loads, it ware first applied a telemeter test to know his cardiac answer in the place of work and, in a second moment, an effort test was aceomplished. For the data colleetion, an electromechanical system was built, complemented by a Little Star miero eontroler wich allowed to command the peripheral lurninous stimulus in sueh a . way that the drivers could answer,aceordingto their visualcperceptioncsensibility while pedaling an ergonometer bicycle. With base in analysis of variation with repeated measures the data allow to affirro that there are statistieal differences (p <0,05) respeeting the time of experience of the group and the load in the perceptible decision of the detection. The recognition also revealed statistieal differenees respeeting the loads (p <0,05) and group-Ioad interaction (p <0,01). The study showed through the statistical analysis of the Chi Squared test (X2) the there is not a statistieal differenee (p >0,05), in the number of deteetion and recognition mistakes depending on the time experienee. It was also eheeked through the statistieal analysis of Friedman (X2p) that the inereasing loads of work have significant influence (p <0,01) in the perceptible decision of detection and recognition of the individuals categorized as drivers.


percepção visual transportes coletivos educação fisica visão periferica stress (fisiologia)

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