Efeitos do ácido linoléico conjugado sobre parâmetros do metabolismo lipídico alterados pela caquexia. / Effects of conjugated linoleic acid upon lipid metabolism in cachexia.




We investigated the effects of CLA upon lipid metabolism in cachexia. Male Wistar rats were assigned to a control or cachetic rats, supplemented with CLA, sunflower oil or saline, for 14 days. Body weight, dietary intake, plasma glucose, cholesterol, insulin and leptin, and liver TAG, glycogen and protein, CPT I and II, MTP, L-FABP, PPAR-α, apoB gene expression, apoB protein content and the maximal activity of CPT I and II, were assessed. The fat content of EAT and RPAT, and adipose tissue IL-1β,IL-6,TNF-α and IL-10 content were assessed. CPT II activity was reduced in all groups when compared with C. mRNA expression of MTP, apoB and FABP were reduced in all TB groups, but TBCLA showed the greatest reduction of apoB and MTP mRNA and apoB protein content. TBCLA increased liver and plasma TAG, cholesterol and glucose content, when compared with TB groups. TAG in EAT decreased in TBCLA group when compared with C, with TBSF, and with CCLA. Decreased IL-1β in CCLA was found in relation to C, TBCLA enhanced IL-1β in relation to C, TB and TBSF. TBCLA, increased IL-6 when compared with TB and CCLA. TBCLA showed higher TNF-α in relation to TB and CCLA. We conclude that CLA fails promoting the re-establishment of lipid metabolism in cachexia.


suplementation fígado liver desnutrição cla (conjugated linoleic acid) steatosis malnutrition suplementação caquexia cachexia esteatose lipids lipídeos cla (Ácido lenoléico conjugado) metabolismo metabolism

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