Efeitos das queimadas de cana-de-açúcar sobre o bem-estar das famílias: uma aplicação do método de avaliação contingente / Sugar cane burning effects over welfare: an application of the contingent valuation method




Studies on the relation of air pollution and health said that there is a relationship between sugar cane burning and hospital attendance, generating costs to society. This work presents an application of Contingent Valuation Method to evaluate the welfare costs of sugar cane fire. The use of fire in the process of sugar cane leads to many problems to near fire residents such as health problems caused by the soot over the cities from April to November. The application was made for the city of Ribeirão Preto, the major city in production of sugar cane and alcohol in Brazil. Using Censored Logit, Two Stage Heckman adapted and Maximum Likelihood methods an average willing to pay was estimated and the results indicate that the estimated cost is about R$ 180 millions from 2009 to 2017. This estimated value probably is underestimated since welfare costs of sugar cane burning for health also involve spending in hospitals admissions and respiratory diseases. Therefore, it is verified the relation of hospital admissions and the presence of sugar cane in São Paulo State cities. Using DATASUS database the Southeast region of Brazil spends R$ 20 millions a year with this type of hospital admissions, however this cost is also underestimated because it doesnt account for inhalation costs, ambulatory services and posterior treatment due admission.


binary choice escolha binária sugar cane fire avaliação contingente contingent valuation queimadas

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